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Recovery Coaching

Addiction creates suffering, both in the the person struggling and the people around them. If you're looking for help quitting or cutting down on your alcohol or drug use, contact Doctor to You to engage in 1-on-1 coaching on living a sober life. This aspect of low-cost direct primary care is hard to find at traditional medical practices.

Coaching sessions may include discussions on why someone drinks or uses to excess, suggestions on sober support groups including Alcoholics Anonymous (and it's related programs like Narcotics Anonymous), Refuge Recovery/Recovery Dharma, Celebrate Recovery, and SMART Recovery, and consideration of medication-assisted treatment that help deal with cravings.

Addiction and recovery is stressful and sometimes difficult to understand by those not suffering themselves. Dr. Bruce himself has been living a recovery-focused life and would love to share his knowledge and experience with everyone he can. He gets it.

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