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End of Life Care, a.k.a.

Death with Dignity

This is not an easy topic. Few people want to confront the end of their life and what they want to happen in the moment. End of life care is chaotic, emotional, and prone to mistakes. We want to match your treatment goals.

Wooden Hut

Comfort & Autonomy

There is a hierarchy of who doctors listen to when deciding end-of-life care. Dr. Bruce has experienced having a large extended family argue how best to treat a patient, who was unconscious and had no say in the matter. Why not have a solid, well-established legal way to have your own wishes followed? This is the advantage of concierge medicine and low-cost direct primary care.

Death with Dignity

Whether you want to discuss options for end of life care and what goes into an Advanced Directive (AD), sign a Portable Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST), or discuss Death with Dignity options (WA state Death with Dignity Act), Doctor to You is able to come to you and have this conversation in your home as a house call.

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